​About Magpie Ducks

We're excited for you to learn all about this beautiful breed of ducks! Magpie ducks lay approximately 200 - 300 eggs per year, with many breeders reporting consistent daily egg laying for most of the year. Magpie eggs come in an assortment of colors but are usually white to off white. The eggs are usually large-grade.

Our current flock of Magpie ducks is just beginning. We breed for the two distinct areas of coloration on the top of the head and the back, and correct structure. We also select for high egg production and better feed conversion.

Our eggs and ducklings are priced accordingly to prices of other breeders and the quality of our birds.

This breed is recognized by the APA, and we are hoping to begin showing our ducks this year.

Availibility for 2024

Eggs (from separate Utility Quality or Breeder Quality pens), 



Adult Pairs

Inquire About Availability

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A flock of blue, black and white show quality magpie ducks

​Meet Our Flock

We're happy to introduce you to each one of our ducks so you can see their quality for yourself.

Note that blue parents can produce black, blue, silver, and white offspring. Black parents can produce black and white offspring. If you'd like to learn about duck color genetics, head over here.

Our Magpie Drakes
A black duck outline with a yellow background that says picture coming soon.
Stay on the lookout for 2024 pictures of our breeding stock!
A blue and white male magpie duck named Ceggdric Diggory with the Texas Honey Spot logo over him.
Our Magpie Hens
A black duck outline with a yellow background that says picture coming soon.
A black duck outline with a yellow background that says picture coming soon.
A black duck outline with a yellow background that says picture coming soon.
Ducks in Retirement
A black and white female magpie duck named Bill-ie Egglish with the Texas Honey Spot logo over her.

We no longer sell or hatch eggs from the ducks in this pen. These ducks are used to brood our older grow-outs until they are mature enough to be in our breeding pens. They are also our foundation birds, so we are committed to giving them a forever home.

​Photo Gallery

Here's what you can expect if you get Magpie eggs or ducklings from us.

Wait List

Please follow this link to our wait list and fill it out once for each breed you are interested in, and we will get back to you.

Wait list currently closed until 2024.

Viewing, clicking on, or purchasing from these ads helps support our farm at no additional cost to you.

A watercolor depiction of a yellow duckling hatching out of an egg.

​About White Magpies

Did some of your eggs from a Magpie duck flock hatch all-white (all-yellow) ducklings? Head over to this blog post to see why that happens!