• Flock Health And Testing Results

Waterfowl Certifications and Testing

Our flock has the current certifications:

  • Pullorum-Typhoid Clean (TX)
  • NPIP PT Clean

Our flock is awaiting the following certifications which should clear shortly (updated 3/15/23):

  • TAHC Registration

Our flock is not pursuing the following classifications and is unable to ship to states that require them at this time:

  • NPIP AI Clean
  • NPIP Salmonella Clean

Biosecurity Practices

Our flock does not share any fence lines with any other flocks and are kept inside of our barn and/or in an enclosed run to protect them from contact with any wildlife. 

We do daily inspections as to the health of our birds. They receive check-ups by our veterinarian yearly, and receive them as needed for any illness (which, thankfully, we have yet to need). 

We only buy birds & hatching eggs from NPIP certified flocks. New animals are quarantined as they arrive. We do not allow any visitors to the area where we keep our birds.

Coggins Info

Our horse was last tested & cleared for Coggins on 2/13/2023.

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